Where is Crossroads Counseling located?
Crossroads Counseling is located between N. 1st and N. 3rd streets on Willis. The address is 279 N. Willis Street. We are in Suite C toward the end of the hall on the right. You can park in the front of the building on Willis or turn right on N. 3rd St. and park on the side.
Will my health insurance cover therapy?
Currently you can file with your insurance as an out of network provider. Your counselor can provide you with a superbill to do so. We are working diligently to become an in-network provider for Medicaid and other major insurances. Ask us about our sliding scale fees in the interim.
How long will the process take?
Every client is different and part of the length of process depends on the level of difficulty of issue you are working on. Your counselor will discuss this with you and make a plan of action based on your unique needs. You have the right to end treatment at any time, but it is best to communicate with your counselor about this.
How do I schedule an appointment?
You can schedule an appointment by calling 325-261-0137 or you can fill out our contact form and we will call you back.